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Our Museum has a wide range of records to assist you with local and family history research.

Members are available to assist you if you choose to come in to do your own research.

If you are not local or want someone to do the research for you, we are happy to assist in this way.

We have a fee of $35.00 for each enquiry. Simply fill out the request form and send it to us with your payment and we will do our best to answer your query.

Our records and facilities include:

A growing collection of photographs of local identities, places and events.

Cemetery records for Terang, Camperdown, Cobden and Garvoc.

Local newspapers from early 1900’s to present, some digital.

Information on individuals, buildings and events.

An Index to the society’s newsletters since 1972.

Parish maps of Terang and surrounding areas showing early landholders.

Various local history books.

Records from a range of local organisations and businesses.

Computer with internet access.


Our Charges: Come and visit us and do your own research with supervised assistance for $5.00 per visit. (Members free).

Research request: $35.00 per query.

Click here to download Research request form.